Saturday 7 September 2013

Finally starting my blog!!

Three months ago my father died unexpectedly. It was so shocking (and still is) but it got me thinking about what I'm doing with my life (and how quickly it can end!!). Six months ago I attended a local craft show and discovered washi tape and my hidden love for craft was suddenly reborn. I decided after Dad died that I would join the rest of the world and start my own blog. It would be mainly about crafting, sharing my projects, getting advice from people on what I can do better and (if I desperately needed to) sharing about my life. I set it all up and then its been sitting here, just waiting for me to get the guts to do my first post.

So, here it is!! Have finally posted something. Its not very exciting, I admit, but will become more so as I gain confidence with this new area of my life and work out how to add some photos!!

Hello blogging world and I promise I will make my next post much more exciting!!!!!


  1. Hi Shona, I've gone back to front reading your blog. As I went through the posts I became more intrigued about where it all started. You do some lovely work and I'm pleased to read about the progress you've made with technology and working out how to blog. I'm not very techy myself so can totally relate.

    I'm a Christchurch girl myself, but have been living in Australia for 24 years. Most of my family are in Timaru and Christchurch so I do get home to visit reasonably regularly.

    I'm sorry to read of your dad's passing (albeit a while back now). I lost my mum 5 years ago and my dad a year ago tomorrow - on my mum's birthday of all days! It's still hard.

    I'm trying to work out how to become a follower of your need another gadget. Anyway in the meantime I'll pop back and visit. Thanks for sharing what you love to do.


  2. I am sorry too that I read your DAD´s Passing....I still have my Dad and Mom but so far away in Indonesia...I live with my hubby in Germany, Munich...Shona your idea to start blogging is good to make you more relaxed and not feel sad again...
    may I ask you how old are your daughter?My sons are 10 and 7 its not so easy to do half day..children and card making and blogging...also sometimes my blog is empty for a week if my son sick or it is a party on his school....but I promise to make card and fill in my blog as soon as I have time..
    Your card at beginning are already lovely..and nowaday more CAS and crisp...
    I am like Patrice...want to know where did you started your blog....
    Happy if you like being my Blogland friend...
    Hugs, Monika

    PS:my email is monik1973 at yahoo dot com
