
Sunday 22 July 2018

Your Next Stamp - Feature Day

Hi there everybody!! Its Sunday afternoon here in New Zealand and we finally have some sunshine after a rainy Saturday (although it was good for lots of card making.......). 

I'm still having a fabulous time as one of the July Guest Designers at Your Next Stamp. Today is 'Feature Day' and a YNS customer suggested the theme of 'Christmas in July or use Christmas colours red/green'.  Unfortunately I don't own any YNS Christmas stamps I created this card with the perfect red/green fruit:

Its the middle of Winter here, so I can't wait to plant my strawberry plants soon and have lots to eat in Summertime!! Also when I was younger and traveling through the U.S. I spent a few days in New Orleans and had the biggest, most delicious Strawberry Daiquiri at a place with a fountain that had flames coming out with the water. It was my only drink of the night but it was all I needed (if you know what I mean.....).....

I started off by cutting a panel of white CS smaller than my card front and stamping the strawberry image from YNS 'Happy Hour'  stamp set all over it. I then coloured them in with my Altenew Artist Markers. 

Using the wine glass die from the YNS 'Happy Hours Co-ordinating Dies' I die-cut the middle of the panel. I placed the panel over the card front and stamped the wine glass (also from the 'Happy Hour' set) within the die-cut space. This was also coloured with Altenew Artist Markers and I then added Glossy Accents to the red part of the glass to give the illusion of liquid. The panel was then popped over top with foam tape.

I stamped the sentiment (also from YNS 'Happy Hour') on some white CS, backed it with black CS and put on foam tape. And I added more shine with some Neat and Tangled sequins.

I'm going to link this to the Simon Says Stamp - Wednesday Challenge where their theme is 'Use a die or punch'.

Will also link to The Cat's Pajama's Challenge #348 where their theme is:

I really suggest you pop over to the Your Next Stamp Blog to see what the Design Team have created for 'Feature Day' and leave a comment because you have a chance to win a stamp set of your choice!!!

Thanks so much for stopping by and I'll be back here soon with more cards from my 'rainy day' card making marathon yesterday!!

Take care


  1. Love the simplicity of your card and how you created your own background! Amazing colouring and design! Love it!

  2. Wonderful card Shona! I love the strawberry background you've created & the sentiment is fab!
    Thanks for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge
    Mandy xx

  3. A really fun and whimsical card. Thank you for joining the TCP Tuesday challenge at The Cat's Pajamas.
