
Friday 6 May 2016

CASology - Featured Designer Week 3

Hi everybody and welcome to my 'Week 3' of being the Featured Designer at CASology.

For this post I decided to look at some of my favourite CAS designs from 2015/16. Over on the CASology blog I talk about one of my most popular cards and how I now love to create one-layer cards.  I thought I would share a few more with you:

I have a bit of an obsession with triangles and love this design I created for a Winnie and Walter challenge last year. Some people may not consider this to be a true 'CAS' card as it has a few layers but I think if its not fussy and there is a lot of white space around the main image, you can get away with it!

Wow, this card is nearly blank....that's very CAS!!! I love the simplicity of this card. Its was created for a CAS-ual Fridays challenge and I remember how fiddly it was gluing all those hearts together for dimension but it was so worth it!!

Hmmm....I seem to have a bit of a die-cutting theme going on here.... I have to admit, I would be lost without my Cuttlebug. And after building up a stash of dies, it gets used nearly every day!! This card was for a CASology challenge. It was mega fiddly die-cutting all the individual hearts one by one. And then cutting the tiny pieces of foam tape to fit behind them (this was before I discovered die-cutting foam). There's just something about a simple sentiment with an interesting image that I love.   

For my post next week, which is my final one, I thought I would share some of my more 'quirky' designs that I made for CASology challenges. I really pushed the boundaries of the 'cue words' but if it made someone smile, it made me happy!

Before I go, I have two cards for this weeks CASology  challenge:

This first card was inspired by movement - the moving of the waves and physically moving your body to go to the beach. And for me I'm very much moved by the sound of the waves crashing on the shore. I used a SSS 'Border Waves' die with three different blue paint chips. The darker one was inlaid into the card front itself and the other ones adhered over top. The sentiment (from Kelly Purkey for SSS) was stamped simply in black.

This is one of those cards where I push the boundary of the 'cue word'. Once again I was inspired by physical movement, with someone willing to go all the way to 'hell and back' just to see you. This stamp set is from Lil Inkers 'Read between the lines' and the tiny heart stamps from WPlus9 'Wishing You'.

This sentiment is also quite moving to me as I would definitely go to hell and back to see my children!! Its probably not the kind of card I would give to one of my older relatives but I know a few people that would get a kick out of this!!

Whew! I think this is my longest blog post ever and if your still with me, you made it to the end...yay you!!! Thank you so much for wandering down my CAS memory lane. And I hope you come back next Friday for a giggle at some of my weird and bizarre CAS creations. I look forward to seeing your 'Move' designs in the Gallery!!

Take care


  1. It's been such fun to get to know you better and see some of your favorite cards. Love all your older cards, and the two new ones you made for 'move' are wonderful as well. Thanks so much for being our Featured Designer this week at CASology.

  2. Shona, love them all and love your stories behind each one. Always hate that fiddly gluing especially if it ends up with bits of glossy glue showingon the card. Also love your sense of humour that comes through on your last card.

  3. Lovely trip down memory card lane with you...and, yes, I do remember most of these cards plus the ones on the CASology post. They're all favorites of mine. Winnie & Walter was where I was first introduce to the joy of looking at your luscious cards. Since then, it's been one treat after another. This current (get it!) wave card is perfect for the CASology cue this week...nothing moves more than the ocean. Brilliant of you to inlay the darkest wave an pop up the other two. Another winner for sure.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I enjoyed the trip with you! It was great seeing the cards you shared - I thought I'd seen all your posts but I still saw some new cards here. Lovely to see the cards and hear your thought on them - that's the bit you never see in a challenge gallery.

  6. Love them all! I think your cards for this week are perfect. xx

  7. Thank you so much for sharing your favorite cards and lovely stories behind them, Shona! Your CAS designs are always so delightful and refreshing! Love your two cards for MOVE,too! So creative!

  8. So many fun and amazing cards my dear...just love each and everyone of them. So much fun reading about you and your wonderful are so stinkin' talented! Wishing you a fabulous weekend.

  9. I've really enjoyed your Friday posts, Shona! I love your creative takes on the CASology challenges!

  10. WOW, all of these are simply great, Shona!!!! You are such a talented CAS designer!!! I loved to see the older ones and the two new ones are so cleverly made for the 'move' cue card!!!! I really like that cute last one!!!
    Have a great day!!!

  11. Shona, you are a CAS genius. I love looking back at your older cards and I totally remember them especially the two heart cards. So awesome! Your two new cards are both such clever takes on the cue word. Love those waves - the sound of them makes me happy too. The first time I lived in the US I struggled with feeling land locked. I need the ocean nearby. Your second card has reminded me that I have never inked up that Lil Inkers stamp set and I really need to. Thanks for playing along with CASology this week and I'm loving your extra posts for us!

  12. Shona, you are an amazing artist...and SO GOOD at CAS! I love all of your cards...all of them! I have to agree with you about the Cuttlebug...I use mine every day, too! Its been so fun getting to know you...thanks for being our featured designer this month!

  13. Thanks so much Shona for sharing your creativity with the CASology family. I'm sure you've inspired us all!

  14. So many wonderful ideas - love the waves. So happy you played the CASology Challenge this week.

  15. So talented, Shona! LOVE the movement in that wave card!!! It's so fun having you as our guest designer over at CASology! :)

  16. Got another HM for that wave card...they really do make good's fits the challenge to a tee plus it's beautiful.

  17. Congrats on another fabulous post for your feature at CASology, Shona! What a gorgeous collection of cards! I love your CAS style, and how you are so versatile with various themes and colors!
