
Monday 1 December 2014

CASology Challenge Week # 123

1st of December...eeeekkk...where did this sneak up from?? I can't believe its only a few weeks till Christmas. We spent this afternoon after school putting up the Christmas tree and decorations, so the house is ready but I am not. Thank goodness for online shopping!!

So, the cue word at CASology this week is 'Eat'. I spent quite a few days pondering this one as I don't have many food orientated stamps. I started one card but then this idea suddenly hit me:

Poor little Gingy!! Losing half his leg to some hungry child, oh the tragedy!!

I stamped the gingerbread man (from Kaisercraft) on to white card stock and then cut out by hand. Unfortunately I don't own any inks that are close to a 'ginger' colour, so had to leave him black and white with a hint of red. I stamped the sentiment (from Couture Creations) and then popped Gingy up on foam tape, minus his leg. I was pretty hungry when I made this card so he's lucky that's all he lost!!

Will also link little Gingy to the Simon Says Stamp - Wednesday Challenge  where their theme is the ever popular 'Anything Goes'.

Have two more cards to post and then need to get a card made that's due tomorrow. Thank goodness I already have the design in my mind but you never know what I will change once I start putting it together. Max has been sick since Friday with croup and he is pretty silent at the moment (after visiting doctor today for Redipred) so hopefully it will be a quiet night for both of us.

Take care


  1. He would have lost his whole head, if I'd had my way with him, Shona!! Darling!!
    =] Michele

  2. Ahhhhh! Love all the white! Tiny little pops of red are just perfect! So glad you joined us at CASology this week!

  3. So sweet, Shona ... gorgeous tiny pops of colour amid the glorious white ... wonderful! Anita :)

  4. oouuiicch sooo cuuutee Shona
    i think I ever seen that stamp and I ever colored it but I forget where is my stamp now ...
    by the way I never seen gingerbread man in white color
    and this is soo cuutee
    You will be a HM again Shona..
    agree with me...(muist be LOL)
    cute card
    hugs, Monika

  5. Oh, what a fun idea, and this little guy who lost his leg has totally stolen my heart. What a fantastically light hearted way to send get well wishes.

  6. That is such an AWESOME idea Shona!! I must have a sick sense of humour, because it makes me chuckle! Only because he is so cute and clever (wink). I need to get busy baking my Christmas cookies! Living in Australia, you leave cookie baking too late at your peril. 200 degree Celsius ovens on 37 degree Celsius days is a bit ludicrous!

  7. Totally made me laugh out loud Shona!

  8. Such a cute card....and loads of white space. I wish I could design as CAS as you. That will be my New Years Resolution :) I hope Max is feeling better too.

  9. Adorable card!! Love this! Just too cute!

    Thank you very much for joining us this week at the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge Blog!


  10. This is just too darn cute...I love that your little gingerbread guy is missing his foot...just so fun.
