
Monday 1 December 2014

CASology Challenge Week # 123 (Phoebe's entry)

Phoebe is a great follower of my challenge cards and she is always fascinated by the cards I make for the 'word challenge', by which she means the CASology  challenge. 

When she saw the cue word for this weeks challenge she asked if she could make a card. I didn't think the CASology DT girls would mind Phoebe joining in, so I told her to go for it. This is her entry:

She knew exactly what she wanted to put on her card. She had seen these stickers from Echo Park 'Let's Picnic' and stuck them straight to the card front. Phoebe also loves to use twine, so added some across the top of the card. 

I'm extremely proud of her. She has left a lot of white card, its wonderfully balanced with the design and perfect for the challenge. And she did it all herself!!

I will also link this to the Simon Says Stamp - Wednesday Challenge (just like my CASology entry) where their theme is 'Anything Goes'.

I was very lucky to win some Blog Candy from SSS last week. It arrived today and included a gorgeous stamp set from Echo Park 'Holly Jolly Christmas'. Its so cute and Phoebe immediately had her eyes on it. Watch this space for her next 'Christmas' design.......

Take care



  1. Great card! But, of course, she learned by watching the Master - her mother!

  2. Phoebe clearly takes after you with her eye for design, Shona ... what a fun take on the cue card! Delighted your SSS parcel arrived (that was quick!) ... looking forward to seeing more goodies from it! Anita :)

  3. a nine years old little lady..cute card you made..and complete with spoon fork and that knife...great and so creative...hugs from aunty Monika in Germany

  4. Well, Phoebe--you are quite the master of CAS card making. Your card caught my eye in the gallery and I just love it. Well done. Thanks so much for playing along at CASology this week, and I certainly hope that you will play along with us again soon.

  5. This is fantastic, Phoebe! Great layout, lots of white space and a fun card! Thanks for playing along with CASology this week!

  6. This is great - just love it!

  7. Thrilled that you joined us Phoebe! I love how you've concentrated all your elements in the centre of the card to leave lots of white space! So glad you played along with CASology this week. I hope we'll see you again!

  8. Phoebe, I'll bet you are fun to craft with -- your card is such a perfect arrangement of cool sticker elements, I love it! You have an amazing eye! Thanks for joining in the fun at CASology...I hope you play along again soon!

  9. Cool card, Phoebe - your Mum will have to watch out or you will be winning all of the challenges! I look forward to seeing your next card :)

  10. Wonderful job!!! So glad you could join us!!!!!

  11. Such a great card! Makes me hungry just to look at :) Thank you so much for playing along with us in the Anything Goes Challenge over at the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge Blog this week :)

  12. Well Phoebe, you totally nailed this card for the challenge! I love it and the twine on the top with the spoon, so fun.
