
Sunday 17 May 2020

Uniquely Creative - Your One of a Kind!!

Hello there!! Its been a glorious Sunday outside with lots of sun, while I've been very busy doing the groceries, vacuuming and cleaning the toilets. Shortly I need to get the washing in, fold it, put it away and then take Bella for a walk. And then make dinner.....does it ever end???

I wanted to let you know that I have a card tutorial for this card over on the Uniquely Creative Blog featuring the cute kitties from the April 'Purrfect' Mini Kit:

I hardly ever take a selfie but I gotta say these cats are very good at it!! This was so much fun to put together and I have plenty of photos showing how it was done.

Right, off to my next job! Fingers crossed the washing has dried so I don't have to hang it up all over the house (the joys of not owning a drier....) but I'll light the fire later on to warm us up and dry the clothes at the same time. The only time it gets really gross is when it rains during Winter for days on end and the washing takes days to dry. Better make the most of the last few weeks of Autumn while I can...

Take care


  1. What fun. It's as cute a bug's ear. Clever.

  2. What a fun and fabulous card Shona - loving those kitties! No, it never stops... I have to go get my washing off the line too. :) Not much housework getting done at the moment - my bathroom and loo are having a total makeover thanks to a leak - or two, (thanks to shoddy workmanship before we bought the house) and other damage just covered over....
    Stay safe
