
Friday 20 September 2013

Birthday card for dear friend in Wellington

My wonderful friend Fiona is 37 years old today, so posted this card off to her in Wellington earlier this week. I purchased the October Afternoon 'Travel Girl' collection kit a month ago and have been dying to use this paper in a card. My friend is a very stylish and 'girly' girl, who loves to craft as well, so hopefully she will love this card!

Have been trying (unsuccessfully) to add a 'pin it' button to my blog for 2 days. Even had my computer savvy husband tearing his hair out tonight trying to do it but no luck. Its not like I have anyone reading my blog yet but you never know......

Just had a 4.1 earthquake this evening. Has been a scary few months and not felt any for a few weeks. Hope we aren't getting ready for a big one again. The only thing that scares me is if the children aren't with me if one happens. I know they will get looked after at the school but hate to think of them being so scared and wanting me but I'm not right there. Not much I can do I suppose, just hope it doesn't happen!!

Am busy working on a new bakers twine project. Hope it turns out ok, will let you know!!



  1. Replies
    1. Oh my goodness, you are the first person to leave me a comment, thank you very much!!! Really appreciate it and its so nice to know what at least one person knows I exist in the 'blogging' world!! And that my blog works.
