
Tuesday 7 April 2020

You are simply the best!!

Hi there!! I've just been outside working on my basketball skills with Max. I must look so ridiculous trying to get the ball off him while playing one-on-one but its fun, he can practice his skills and gives people driving past something to laugh at!!

Yesterday I shared with you a card I made using the Simon Says Stamp 'Storybook Sloth Die'. I used natural brown colours but thought that in this day and age, who says you can't have a pink, blue or yellow sloth??:

Good grief I have ALOT of cardstock scraps!! Might have to make some more rainbow strip cards or have a look at Laura Bassens You Tube Channel for some inspiration!! This was really simple to put together but was just fiddly die-cutting all the different colours. I now have enough leftover's to make this card three more times!! 

I gathered some CS in dark and light tones and die-cut the sloth die repeatedly from black CS for the eye's and nose area, and also just the bow-tie area for the blue sloths one. I glued them all together on black CS so they have a backing and fussy cut around them. 

I adhered a piece of black CS to the card front and then a panel of white CS slightly smaller on a piece of white foam. The sloths were all popped up on foam tape. The sentiments (which I just noticed aren't all completely straight...whoops....) are all from the SSS 'Beautiful Day' stamp set and white heat embossed on black CS. These were put on foam tape too, along with some Studio Katia pearls.

I'm getting a little worried as I don't have much foam tape left, so using it very sparingly.....thank goodness I purchased two sheets of black and white craft foam from the $2 shop just before lockdown or I'd really be screwed. It would have to be the one thing I use the most and would be lost without it. 

Time to get the washing in and take Bella for a walk before I attack dinner. Boy do I miss takeaway meals......

Take care and stay safe


  1. Darn, you're CLEVER. Colorful sloths, who'd have thought. So stinkin' adorable.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Well done Shona - loving your rainbow sloths, they are gorgeous
    Stay safe
