
Saturday 18 January 2020

CAS-ual Fridays Stamps - Girl Friday post #2 for January 2020

Hi everyone!! Hope you've all had a fantastic week and managed to make a few cards here and there. I'm looking forward to the weekend as I'm going to make sure I have plenty of time to do some crafting and spend some time with my Mum who turned 80yrs old today!!

I just wanted to let you know I'm up on the CAS-ual Fridays Stamps Blog today with a card for all you coffee loving people:

I haven't done a card with ALOT of stamping for quite a while, so thought it would be good to give my MISTI a bit of love. Hope you can pop over to the blog to find out how I put this together.

Take care

1 comment:

  1. Looks as though you had a lot of fun with this Shona, with a great result
