
Saturday 19 January 2019

CAS-ual Fridays Stamps - Girl Friday post #2 for January

Hi there everybody!! Hope your all getting ready for an amazing weekend. Its supposed to be a very hot Saturday here for us in New Zealand so will probably head to the beach or to one of the many river swimming-holes we are lucky to have here. Will be way too hot to sit at home where we have no air-conditioning that's for sure....

Just wanted to let you all know that I'm up on the CAS-ual Fridays Stamps Blog 
today with a simple but sweet 'Love Ya' card:

Thought it would be nice to have a break from the usual 'pink/pink' colour combo of my lovey-dovey cards and I love this WOW! Embossing Powder so much. For all the details on how I put this together, pop over to the CFS Blog.

Thanks so much for stopping by, I'm off to get my togs on (that's what we call 'swimming costumes' in New Zealand) and jandals (what we call 'flip-flops' in New Zealand) and hit the water. So not only will you be seeing a new card from me today but you'll be learning a new language too!! LOL!!

Take care


  1. Hope you're not working too hard or getting to hot. Let me tell you, since it's Winter here, I'm totally jealous. Rather be hot than cold.
    Love the way you designed this sweet Valentine. I can just imagine that your fertile mind has thought of many different colors you could use to mass produce. Personally, I adore this pastel look...soft and appealing.

  2. Too darn cute and as sweet as can be!

  3. Love how you have used the enamel dots in the letters Shona - so innovative, and a gorgeous card too!
