
Sunday 29 July 2018

Simon Says Stamp - Wednesday Challenge

Wow weekend days go so fast!! Today was busy catching up with housework, shopping with the kids, walking the dog and millions of other bits and bobs. I'm dying to attack my roses to get them pruned but they will have to wait...again....The weather has been like Spring the last few days which has been incredible but Winter isn't done with us yet I'm sure....

The theme for this weeks Simon Says Stamp - Wednesday Challenge is the always popular 'Anything Goes'. I thought this was the perfect time to share my third and final card where I painted with Distress Oxide inks:

I've always loved blue and white for a colour combo and anything with grey and white really catches my eye too. Must buy some more grey CS as I can see myself doing a lot more painting on it!!

I started by cutting a panel of grey CS the same size as the card front. I white heat embossed the Simon Says Stamps 'Beautiful Flowers' image across each corner and then watercoloured the flowers only with Distress Oxide inks 'Blueprint Sketch' and 'Shaded Lilac'.

For the sentiment I heat embossed the 'birthday' in white on the panel and then the 'happy' on a strip of the same grey CS and popped it on foam tape. The whole panel was then put on a pieces of white foam and onto the card front. Unfortunately I bumped the table as I was putting it on and ended up too far down from the top fold of the card but oh well, what can you do??? I finished it off by adding some clear, purple and dark blue sequins from Neat and Tangled.

I'm also going to link this to the Simon Says Stamp Flickr Challenge #102 where their theme is 'Favourite Technique'. I could heat emboss all day and you all know how much I love this new Oxide ink watercolouring!!

Time to go and feed the masses!! Have no idea what I will make for dinner but Saturday nights are more about whats easy than what's fabulous. I really want to make some cards tonight so whatever it is, its has to be fast!!

Take care


  1. Seems strange to hear about winter when we are boiling here in the states. Whatever... Let's talk about your Oxide coloring on your floral cards. I believe you've perfected the technique. Each one has just floored me with their beauty. This one is no exception. Amazing and so beautifully crafted. That sound you hear is me clapping.

  2. So pretty, this is a stunning card. So glad to have found you through Simon Says Stamp's challenge.

  3. Love the technique. flowers are gorgeous done in blue. The wife was looking over my shoulder and "said OOOooo I like that". I guess that settles it. APPROVED. Smile.

    Hugs and Blessings
