
Tuesday 24 July 2018

Distress Oxide Ink Watercolouring - Take 2

Hi everyone, I'm back with a second card from my Distress Oxide Ink watercolouring marathon at the weekend. I'm very tempted to do some more but don't want to overload you all with thousands of cards with the same watercolouring. Will try to hold back my excitement for a few weeks....

In case you didn't see my last blog post, I shared with you my excitement over a recent Jennifer McGuire video where she showed you how you can watercolour with the Distress Oxide Inks. I tried it on Saturday and loved it so much, I now want to do it on every card!!!! I painted three different panels using the Simon Says Stamp 'Beautiful Flowers' stamp set on all three and this card is my second design:

I'm so happy to finally have 'Picked Raspberry' in my oxide ink collection and it goes so beautifully with 'Wilted Violet'. I got a bit creative with my layout for this one.....

I started off by cutting a panel of kraft CS the same size as the card base. I stamped the large floral image from the SSS stamp set across the bottom of the panel and heat embossed in white. I then used the 'Picked Raspberry' and 'Wilted Violet' Oxide inks and water to paint the flowers only.

I decided to fussy cut this out and created another kraft CS panel slightly smaller than the card front. I white heat embossed one of the single flowers from the stamp set in each corner and coloured with the 'Picked Raspberry'. I also white heat embossed the sentiments from the same SSS set. This panel was put on a piece of white foam and then on to the card front.

I added foam tape to the back of the fussy cut flower piece and put that into place. I was going to cut the sides of it so it was in line with the other panel but really liked how it looked. All I had to do then was glue on some sequins from Neat and Tangled.

I've linked this (for the first time...) to the Simon Says Stamp Flickr Challenge #102 where their theme is 'Your Favourite Technique'. I've always loved heat embossing and still find it magical. And of course Oxide Ink watercolouring is definitely an instant favourite!! Hopefully I linked my photo to the challenge properly.....

Just realised I forgot about the potatos boiling on the stove (having mashed potatos.....). There is a huge mess but it's still edible thank goodness. I was so engrossed in typing this I didn't even hear the timer, which reminds me I really need to book myself a hearing test......

Take care


  1. Oh Shona - just as well the spuds were edible!! Love your card, and must look at that video!

  2. Hope your potatoes weren't too badly burned. But, if so, it was worth it. The flowers are so incredibly vibrant and beautiful on this kraft cardstock. Your shading is awesome and love the way you fussy cut them to fit into your design.
    Looks like you've made this technique your own. You're results are excellent.
