
Saturday 5 August 2017

AAA Card Challenge # 95 - Entry no. 2

If you haven't noticed by now, I LOVE a rainbow colour combo, so I couldn't let the AAA Card Challenge go by without creating another entry!!

For my card I actually ended up with a design that was completely different from what I started with. And then I changed it again, so I suppose this is 3rd time lucky:

I had always planned on doing a blended background but it wasn't until I had all my Distress Inks out in front of me that I came up with the rainbow idea. And you wouldn't believe it but this actually used to be a shaker card....I thought it would be cool to put a rainbow mix of tiny seed beads in but after going to all that trouble I decided it looked too busy. So a bit of surgery had to be done to pour out all the beads, which of course ended up all over my table!

To start off I cut a panel of white CS the same size as my card front and die-cut the heart shape from it. The die I was using has a smaller die with it and I used that to cut the negative piece so I ended up with this insert. Before I did anything else I stamped my sentiment on this piece, as I normally forget to do this until after I've put it on foam tape.  I put the panel over the card front and gently marked with a pencil where the heart shape would sit. This way I could blend away knowing where the colours would show.

Once I was happy with the blending, I popped the panel on top of it using foam tape. Now as I mentioned, this was originally a shaker card, so I had put a piece of acetate behind the panel and adhered the middle part to it. However, with it now having no beads in it, I could have forgone the acetate and just put the middle part on foam tape as well. To finish off I added a few pink and clear sequins.

The 'Floral Heart' dies are from Neat and Tangled, as well as the sentiment stamp 'Floral Heart' and the sequins.

I'm also going to link this to the Stamplorations Summer CAS Challenge.

Its nearly 5.30pm so I better start thinking about what to whip up for dinner. I wish I was one of those organised women who work out their weeks menu's on a Sunday so they have all their ingredients ready. Unfortunately I'm at the other end of the spectrum and just think up something on the spot. As long as everyone eats it I'm happy but just wish someone else would do all the dishes......

Take care


  1. I love using the negative bits of die cuts, just like this, and with a rainbow you can't go wrong ;-) Thank you for playing with us at AAA cards.

  2. Super rainbow background and fabulous quirky heart dies. Looks amazing! Thanks for playing at AAA Cards.

  3. Simply fabulous my dear....just love this one!

  4. Fun heart design. Love the decorative edge and the sentiment placed in the center. Beautiful rainbow showing through too. Thank you for sharing with us at AAA Cards.

  5. I wish other would do the dishes, too...and make dinner. But the good fairy doesn't visit here...oh well. Your rainbow heart is stunning...think you did the right thing pouring out the beads. Much cleaner look.
