
Saturday 29 April 2017

Altenew Inspiration Challenge - May

I'm screaming in a last minute (what a surprise.....) to link a second entry to the Altenew Inspiration Challenge  for May. I actually made this card a few days before we lost our internet and I suddenly remembered today that I hadn't linked it to the challenge yet...eeek!!

This is such a fabulous colour combo and wish I had time to create all the ideas I had in mind. I still have 1 day, 18 hrs before the challenge closes so you never know........ I really wanted to create a floral card with these colours but this geometric design wouldn't stop poking my brain:

My MISTI was so handy for this design, as I needed to stamp several times to get good coverage and I can never line up stamps properly. I stamped each of the solid images from Altenew 'Geometric Flowers' in the challenge colours on a piece of white CS. When dried I then stamped the geometric pattern on top with Versamark Ink and heat embossed in gold. Each image was then fussy cut and put aside.

To break up the card front, I cut a panel of white CS the same size as the card base and cut a strip from the middle of it. I then used my mini-blending tool and Distress Ink 'Peacock Feathers' to create some colour on the card front. The panel pieces were then put on foam tape so the colour could show through. Each flower could then be placed on foam tape as well. The sentiment (from Altenew 'Sohcahtoa') was stamped in black on a strip of white CS, put on foam tape and a few co-ordinating sequins added from Neat and Tangled.

I'm also going to link this to the Simon Says Stamp - Wednesday Challenge where their theme is 'Anything Goes'.

Max had a friend stay over last night and I could still hear them talking at 2am this morning. I find I can't go to sleep until they do just incase the visitor suddenly wants to go back home. They unfortunately were then wide awake at 7am which is no where near enough sleep hours for me or them. So Max and I are pretty jaded and think we will jump in my bed together to watch YouTube. Best way to end a very busy day!!

Take care


  1. If you created this on that little sleep I have to commend you. I couldn't do it buy you've pulled it off masterfully. This really is gorgeous. Love this color combo too.

  2. It looks fantastic, love the beautiful colours.
    Thank you for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge x

  3. Fabulous card Miss those brilliant colors, perfect!
