
Friday 3 June 2016

Just Add Ink Challenge # 314

Hi everyone, I'm sorry this post is up so late. Max has been home sick with a horrible cough all week and I've been sick since Tuesday night. This is my first time out of bed for 24hrs so thought I better get this done, sorry for the delay!!

This is the delicious inspiration photo we have for you this week at Just Add Ink.. I love all the citrus colours together and wish I could run out now and try a pomegranate. So I decided to run with citrus hues for my design:

This was super easy to do! I grabbed two pieces of scrap card stock and held them in place (as a mask) while I used my mini-blending tool and Distress Inks 'Seedless Preserves', 'Spiced Marmalade' and 'Mustard Seed' to blend in the strips of colour. To add a bit of interest I die-cut a small circle (from Couture Creations), cut a strip off the side of it and popped it up on foam tape. I then die-cut the 'hello' (from Simon Says Stamp) three times from white CS and glued them together and then to the card. And for a bit of a change I used three white enamel dots (from Rosies Studio) instead of sequins. Feel like I was channeling my inner Laura Bassen!!

I'm going to link this to the CASology Challenge # 200 where the girls are celebrating their 200th challenge!!

And will also link to the Simon Says Stamp - Wednesday Challenge where their theme is 'Mask It'.

You have until next Wednesday June 8th to link your projects to the Just Add Ink challenge and I can't wait to see the Gallery filled with citrus inspired creations!!!

Take care



  1. Love this, Shona! Brilliant card.

  2. Great technique Shona. Love the bold rays on crisp white, very effective!xx
    Hope you are on the mend..:0)

  3. I do hope you're starting to feel better Shona! Your card is stunning - you're masked sunshine is gorgeous and the contrast with your white greeting is so striking! Xx

  4. Wishing you and Max a speedy recovery! You could use all the vitamins in those fruits! Your card is fabulous!

  5. Wow...this is simply stunning Shona, just love those wonderful colors.

  6. Hey Shona!! Super cute card. I love the colors you choose to use. Nicely done. Thank you so much for playing with us this week at CASology.

  7. Shona, I LOVE every single card you make. No exception this time!
    Thanks for joining us for this special CASology challenge!

  8. Just stunning Shona - I love the bold coloured rays and the simple white overlaid sentiment. Hope you are getting better! x

  9. I LOVE this CAS design - the colours are fabulous and your masking technique is brilliant.

    Thanks for playing at Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge.

    Caryn xxx
