
Sunday 1 May 2016

Winnie and Walter - Rerun Challenge # 9

Hello everyone!! Its a beautiful Sunday morning here and we are about to go off fishing in Picton. Its a little town about 30 mins away and its where people travel to by ferry from the North Island. There is a fantastic jetty in Waikawa Bay which is perfect for us and our fishing rods and we quite often see stingray, so its a great way to finish off the school holidays!

I'm scraping in as usual, with a few hours to spare, to the Winnie and Walter - Rerun Challenge. This time they were looking at the stamp set 'My Precious' which I actually own, so it meant I could create my own design with this set.

I wanted to make sure I used this set like I never have before. And when I looked it it closely, I realised there was one jewel shape that would be perfect for a background, and I'd never used it before either:

I remember when I first started stamping and tried to match stamps up close together. It was always an absolute disaster, so either my eyesight has gotten better or all that practice has paid off, because I totally surprised myself with this one!!

I cut a panel of white CS the same size as the card front. I then grabbed the 6-sided jewel stamp and my black Versafine ink pad and went to town. I started it by stamping the first one right in the middle and then connecting them to cover the right-hand side of the panel. I realised then that the pattern was going well so covered the whole thing. I think the shape of the stamp really helped in eyeing up the matching points.

I die-cut the 'hello' (also from Winnie and Walter) from the middle of the panel and used my mini-blending tool with Distress Ink 'Peacock Feathers' to create an ombre look on the word. I adhered a piece of black CS on the card front to sit behind the 'hello' negative. The back of the panel was then covered in foam tape and pressed on to the card.

I put some glue on the back of the 'hello' and pushed it into the negative area and then popped the pieces from between the letters on some foam tape. And lastly I added a few clear and dark turquoise sequins from Pretty Pink Posh for a little bling!!

Gushing about my own card is something I never do but I have to say I LOVE this card! It turned out even better than I hoped. I've never stamped a background like this before and never done a die-cut like this before either, so this was an experiment that paid off for me. Whew!

I'm going to link this to the Simon Says Stamp - Wednesday Challenge where their theme is 'Anything Goes'.

I have one more card to link to a challenge but I'm running out of time. Hopefully I can squeeze in a decent photo of it somewhere and post it before we leave for Picton. Fingers crossed!! And lets hope the kids catch lots of fish!

Take care



  1. I love it, too. Gush away. You deserve it after creating this incredible masterpiece. The stamping is perfect & that color really is gorgeous with that intricate black & white. Reminds me of finely crafted wrought iron.

  2. Gush ON my friend!!! OH my word - I have no words! [that is totally out of character for me, right?] xx

  3. Oh, this looks amazing, Shona!!! Perfectly done and simply stunning!!!!

  4. I so love your card too, Shona and it is worthy of gushing over! I am so happy you could join in on our Rerun Challenge. :-)
