
Monday 16 June 2014

Color Throwdown Challenge # 296

Back from walking the dogs. Very muddy along the river from all the flooding and I think they brought back most of the mud with them!! Time to get out the dog shampoo but first....
These colours for the Color Throwdown Challenge are just divine. I had a lot of ideas but nothing seemed quite right until.....
I really wanted to use my flower stamps again but make the design simpler.  I adhered a strip of white cardstock straight to the front of the card. I then stamped the flower with the dark/light pinks and the green for the leaves. I wanted to soften it a little so covered with vellum. 

I then wanted to try a technique I've seen a lot lately. I found some light blue cotton (in my Mum's sewing drawer). I then took the card with the sentiment on the front and added foam squares. I pressed the foam straight down onto the cotton and it stuck to the vellum as well. I love how it turned out but for someone like me who doesn't like things out of place, it was very hard to get the cotton looking just right. I will definitely do this again though!!

The flower stamp is from Altenew 'Painted Flowers', the sentiment stamp is a set that I purchased second hand and I don't know who made it (if you do, please let me know!!). Enamel dots from Papervine.

I'm once again going to link this card to the challenge at Addicted to Stamps #99 where their theme is 'clean and simple'. This is my fifth entry to this challenge. If I was wondering what my card style was becoming, I think this gives me a very big clue........

One more card to post then it will be washing the dogs and baking lasagne. At least one of those jobs will be in the warmth of the house....

Take care



  1. So pretty and elegant Shona. Love the white background and the sweet little flower. Thank you for playing along with us at The Color Throwdown this week.

  2. Soft, dreamy and so pretty, Shona ... your blue thread nest looks perfectly placed to me! Anita :)
